






1. 詳細履歷表(含重要學經歷、學術著作目錄、專長領域、通訊方式)。

2. 博士班成績單影本、博士學位證書影本(國外學歷須經駐外單位驗證)、教師證書影印本(已具教師資格者)。

3. 最近五年內重要著作3至5篇(指定其中1篇為代表作)。

4. 教學(含可授課程列表)及研究計畫書。

5. 提供三位推薦人姓名及其聯絡方式。

6. 其它有助於瞭解申請者背景之資料。


主旨註明「應徵中央大學地球科學系教師 - (職級) - (姓名)」(並來電確認)。





The Department of Earth Sciences at National Central University in Taiwan is seeking 1-2 full-time assistant professors or higher (including) in the following fields:

Qualifications: Candidates should hold a Ph.D. degree in the fields of geophysics, seismology, geology, sustainability, or related areas, from domestic or international institutions. Those with one year or more of postdoctoral research experience and the ability to teach courses related to geophysical exploration are preferred.

Expected Start Date: August 1, 2024 (subject to completion of the university's review process).

Teaching Requirement: New faculty members are required to teach a minimum of 2 credits of courses in English annually.

Applicants must prepare the following documents:

1. Detailed curriculum vitae (including academic and professional experiences, a list of academic publications, areas of expertise, and contact information).

2. Photocopies of graduate transcripts, Ph.D. degree certificate (for foreign degrees, verification by the relevant foreign agency is required), and a copy of the teaching certificate (if applicable).

3. 3-5 publications from the last five years.

4. Teaching and research proposal including a list of courses that can be taught.

5. Names and contact information of three references.

6. Other relevant materials that would help assess the applicant's background.

Application Deadline: Applications should be submitted in electronic format via email to wenling@cc.ncu.edu.tw by midnight Taipei time on December 24, 2023. If files are large, you may upload them to a cloud service and provide a link.

Please include "Application for Faculty Position in the Department of Earth Sciences at National Central University - (Rank) - (Name)" in the subject title.

※ All application materials submitted will not be returned.

Contact Person: Ms. Wenling Hsu

Phone: 03-4227151 ext. 65600

Email: wenling@cc.ncu.edu.tw
